Back when I was a child (and I’m not telling you how long ago that was, only that I was born and raised in Putney), you kept your shoes on when you came inside a house, any house, unless you’d trodden in dog poop or if you’d been wearing grubby wellies or if your shoes had somehow got muddy (school cross-country races spring to mind). You kept your shoes off the furniture and the beds but running over the carpet in shoes was perfectly OK.

Gradually, it’s become more acceptable to take your shoes off at the door, and not just at your own house, either, but at other people’s houses as well. The only place it’s more or less a given that you won’t take your shoes off when you come in is at work. This is true even for cultures where taking shoes off at the door is the norm, such as Japan: shoes stay on at work because it’s work, not home.

For me, it was a slow transition from that Putney child who put shoes on first thing in the morning and kept them on until heading to the shower before bed to someone who has got whipping shoes off at the door down to fine art and is comfortable asking my host “And what do you want me to do with my shoes?” after the initial greetings and before I get in the door. The combination of rental properties with light-coloured carpets and children who loved sports and the outdoors probably had something to do with it, to say nothing of becoming more experienced in domestic carpet cleaning Putney.

Although quite a few people are OK with taking shoes off at the door of someone else’s house, others are still a bit iffy about the idea and think that’s far too casual and maybe a bit icky. Leaving aside the whole issue of cultures and traditions where removing shoes at the door is the norm, what is the best thing to do from a carpet cleaner’s perspective?

The Case For Removing Shoes At The Door

The main reason why people take shoes off at the door is that this keeps the carpets clean. There’s no doubt about this one. Shoes that have gone anywhere outside, even if you haven’t trodden in anything obviously grotty, will still bring in mud, grit and grime from the inside. I’ve just taken a look at the bottoms of my outdoor shoes (more on that below), and I can see bits of gravel stuck in the tread, scraps of grass, a few spots of mud and… is that bird poop? If I’d worn those shoes indoors, all that gravel, grass, mud and bird poop would have worked itself all over the carpets. And that’s with a pair of dry shoes. On a rainy day (in Putney SW15, it feels like it rains almost every day), water would have come in on the soles of my shoes as well.

You may wonder what the big deal is. After all, don’t we have vacuum cleaners to remove dirt from carpets? We do indeed, and vacuuming is certainly a good way to remove a lot of dirt, including the bits of grass and the more visible bits of gravel. However, there’s always some dirt that gets right down deep into the carpets and escapes the pull of the vacuum cleaners. Vacuums can’t remove mud or moisture, or other damp substances that can go from shoes to the carpet.

Honestly, you save yourself a world of dirt in your carpets by taking shoes off at the door. This means that your carpets look better for longer – and they last longer as well, as there will be less grit rubbing away at the bottom of the fibres with every step you take. Your carpets will probably smell fresher for longer as well.

Why People Keep Their Shoes On

As a professional carpet cleaner in Putney, taking shoes off at the door to keep the carpets clean is a bit of a no-brainer. However, I’ve heard a number of arguments for keeping shoes on at the door, some of which have at least something to do with preserving carpets. Here are some of the reasons I’ve heard, along with some possible counter-arguments or solutions to the problems raised.

  • My shoes are clean. Um, no, they’re not. Take a damp paper towel and wipe that along the sole of your “clean” shoes, and you’ll see how much dirt there is down there.
  • I don’t want to wave my smelly socks around someone else’s house. You wouldn’t wear a dirty work shirt when going to visit someone, would you? You’d change it. It’s not very hard to change your socks before heading out for dinner, so what is revealed when your shoes come off at the door is presentable, not smelly and free from holes.
  • Bare feet are icky – think of all those sweaty feet going on the carpets. Granted, sweaty feet will put sweat on the carpets. However, not all feet are sweaty, especially if you’ve had a shower and put on clean socks before visiting, if you’ve been wearing well-ventilated shoes or if it’s a chilly day or any combination of the above. The amount of sweat that would get on carpet fibres is minimal compared with what comes off shoes. Of course, you need to keep your feet neat, which you should be doing anyway for health reasons. Why not take pride in your pinkies with a pedicure and a toe ring or so? At least cut your nails.
  • Socks are OK on the carpet, but they’re really slippery on wooden floors and lino. This is a legitimate concern. If you don’t want to go completely barefoot, another option is to take slippers or a designated pair of indoor shoes with you, and instead of wearing bare feet or socks inside, slip on the slippers or indoor shoes (which really are cleaner than outdoor shoes, remember – Putney-rain, lol) when you come inside.
  • If I take off my shoes, I’ll ruin my pantyhose. That’s certainly a problem. Your options here are either to go without pantyhose or just come prepared to get your feet naked. However, as the sort of outfit that requires nice stockings or pantyhose also tends to suit fancy footwear, keep reading.
  • I’ve splashed out on some great fancy shoes and want to show them off! If you’ve seen those people who run or walk to work wearing trainers and then change into pumps at the door of the office, you know what to do. Have one pair of shoes for the journey if it involves walking, then change into your best Manolo Blahniks when you get there. If you only have a short trip from the car to the doorway, and if there are no red carpets or gallant knights spreading cloaks before your feet handy, then a quick wipe of your fancy shoes on the doormat should be adequate, as they’re unlikely to have picked up much muck between the car and the door.
  • What are doormats for? Doormats are your extra line of defence to catch any dirt from fancy shoes or the times when someone has “just nipped out a little bit” in their indoor shoes. Doormats also catch wet feet brought in by dogs and children who’ve run outside barefoot. They also trap dust and other grub that might otherwise blow in through the door.
  • It’s so lower class! This one, I don’t get this one. Does not taking your shoes off at the door imply that you need to do so because you’re a grubby peasant who works in the dirt? (As if posh polo players don’t get horse poop on their boots sometimes.) Does it imply that your host can’t afford to clean the carpet? Vacuum cleaners and hiring professional carpet cleaners aren’t that expensive! Or is this just some arbitrary thing like what you do with your little finger while drinking tea?

So, whether you are a shoes-on or shoes-off person, there are pros and against in each case. Your home is your castle, and it is you who decides what goes in your castle. From a professional carpet cleaner’s perspective, I can be both. It’s easy to clean a not-so-dirty carpet. At the same time, I love it when I compare the before and after photos of a really dirty carpet from a Putney house job. It just makes my day.

“I take the carpets once a year to a carpet washing company and vacuum them once or twice a week. I don’t feel comfortable without carpets and aisles at home.”- says Betty. Many people like her find it uncomfortable at home without carpets. And this article is for them. 

The home becomes more cosy and hospitable when the room has carpets and aisles. In addition, the house is warming, which is a goal for colder days. See tips for carpets at home to make them look new. 

  • It is good to beat the carpets twice a year because you remove the accumulated dust and preserve the colours of the fabric. 
  • Do not lay the carpet immediately after washing the floor, as moisture can damage the fabric. Wait a few minutes until the floor is dry. 
  • If you want to keep the colours of the carpet, sprinkle it with baking soda and leave for 20 minutes. Then vacuum the carpet. Another option is to use moist salt or cornstarch. 
  • If desired, you can add flavour. Mix the baking soda with a few drops of essential oil of your choice, close the mixture in a glass jar to flavour nicely and then sprinkle the carpet with it. After 15 minutes, vacuum. 
  • You can also refresh the colours of the carpet by dissolving 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in 1 litre of cold water, then pass the carpet with a brush with soft bristles soaked in the solution. 
  • Tea leaves have a similar effect. After making the infusion, squeeze the tea leaves and sprinkle the carpet with them, and after 15 minutes, vacuum it. 
  • It is good to rotate the carpet 90 or 180 degrees periodically to prevent it from wearing out. 
  • Never allow stains on the carpet to dry because they are harder to remove and can damage the fabric. 
  • If there are concave circles on the carpet caused by heavy furniture, you can fix them by passing the place with a fork – so you ruffle the felted threads.  
  • When washing the carpet with a special detergent, remember that the ideal measure is 1 tbsp per 1 litre of water. 

Carpet cleaning is essential not only for the comfort of the home but also for the health of everyone at home. Proper and regular carpet cleaning helps you eliminate dust and other microorganisms that could cause an allergic reaction. 

A mandatory part of the weekly carpet care is vacuuming. If you have a pet, you should use the vacuum cleaner more often. But we must note that it is crucial not only the carpet but also the floor surface on which it lies. Here are some more tips: 

1. Remove the dents from the furniture with an ice cube 

Have you ever rearranged your furniture or replaced it with new ones that are not the same size and noticed dents left on your carpet? To get rid of marks and bring your carpet back to life, put an ice cube in the ditch and let it melt. Once melted, brush the carpet fibres with your fingers to revive them.  

A tip: When moving your furniture, ensure that you do not slide it on the carpet. Otherwise, it may cause waves. 

2. Roll up your carpet to prevent the colour of the parquet from changing 

If you have hardwood flooring, you may be unaware that it is constantly changing colour. Direct sunlight, UV rays, traffic and air pollutants contribute to the change in colour of the natural wood floor. Darker-coloured wood usually does not change colour as drastically as lighter wood, but the change occurs to varying degrees on all-natural wood floors. (Note that laminate flooring does not change colour, as the surface of the “wood” is essentially an image of wood laid on pressed wood chips.) 

Carpets on parquet can “protect” the wood underneath, protecting it from light and air. After a while, the parquet around the carpet shows a colour change. Then, when you remove the carpet, the difference is noticeable. 

To minimize this effect, remove the carpet(s) when you plan to be away – for example, when you go on vacation. Roll up the carpet, set it aside, and open the blinds or curtains. That will allow light and air to reach the wood, thus reducing the effect of colour change. 

So when you want to change your carpet or remove it altogether, your hardwood will be more evenly coloured. 

3. Turn your carpet over to prevent traces of use 

We tend to walk the same paths in our homes: for example, we take the shortest, most direct route from point A to point B, and we usually walk in the centre of the corridor. That means signs of wear begin to appear earlier. Minimize this phenomenon in carpets by rotating them 180 degrees every six months. You can do the same way with your mattress. Turning the carpet will help to wear the carpet evenly. 

4. Buy an extra rug for your stairs 

Stairs are the area with the highest traffic in any home, so the carpet on the stairs will age much faster than the carpet in other areas. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, buy twice the amount of carpet you need for your stairs, and keep the spare rolled up in a dark and dry place. 

5. Regular cleaning 

Regular hot water extraction to keep your carpets clean.

To keep carpets clean, it is necessary to vacuum, remove stains immediately, and deep clean once a year. Suction prevents impurities from penetrating deep into the carpet and damaging the fibres. Vacuum the entire surface of the carpet at least once a week or more often if necessary. 

Deep cleaning will remove the dirt that has penetrated the deeper layers of the carpet and thus prolong the life of your carpet. Contact a carpet cleaning company to do this. 

6. Maintain the density of the carpet 

Move the furniture from time to time to prevent flattening in certain places. Place protective pads on the legs of the furniture and move them from time to time to prevent flattening in a specific direction. Avoid direct exposure to the sun to avoid discolouring the carpet and keep the colours fresh. 

Oxygen bleach is a cleanser that can be especially effective in combating stubborn stains. Ecological and safe alternative to chlorine bleach, this product has a variety of household applications. 

What is oxygen bleach? 

Oxygen bleach is a powdered preparation obtained by mixing hydrogen peroxide and soda crystals. Its mighty cleaning power is activated when dissolved in water, releasing oxygen. 

Unlike ordinary chlorine bleach, oxygen does not emit toxic fumes and does not pollute the environment. It has the same strong cleansing effect but is not dangerous to health as the traditional one, whose main ingredient is sodium hypochlorite. 

The specific about oxygen bleach is that the chemical reaction that releases oxygen and activates the cleansing force takes longer to act than standard bleach. Therefore, you should keep in mind that when using this product, you must wait a while to achieve the desired result. 

After adding water to the bleach, you should use the mixture immediately. Do not try to store it for reuse, as the container in which you place it is in danger of exploding due to the release of oxygen and causing new clutter in the home.  

Here’s what to use oxygen bleach for in the household: 

Laundry bleaching 

Add it to white laundry to restore the shine of the fabrics. 

For more stubborn stains, soak the clothes in a basin of warm water and bleach. Leave them for at least 6 hours or overnight, and then wash them in the washing machine. Remember that you should not treat some fabrics with bleach. Always check the label before using it on new material. 

Cleaning plastic containers 

For plastic containers such as bottles, plates, cutting boards and enamelled sinks, place between 2-4 tbsp. Oxygen bleach to the vessel (the amount depends on the size of the vessel). Add warm water and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse and wash as usual. 

Refreshing the refrigerator 

To eliminate mould, mildew and any stains of organic origin in your refrigerator, add four teacups of water at 4 tbsp. of bleach. Apply the solution with a soft cloth directly to the contaminated surface. Wait 15 minutes and rinse. 

Unclogging of canals 

Oxygen bleach will save you from buying special detergents for unclogging and cleaning the sewer. Pour a solution of 1 teacup of hot water and 2 tbsp. Bleach directly into the canal. If you have the opportunity, leave it overnight and rinse it with water in the morning. Repeat the procedure at least once a month to keep the sewer clean. 

In the bathroom 

To keep the toilet clean and fresh:

  1. Add 4 tbsp. of bleach and wait 15 minutes.
  2. Clean the surface well with a brush or sponge.
  3. For sinks, showers and baths, make a paste by adding less water to the bleach.
  4. Spread the mixture well, leaving it to act again for about 20 minutes. 

 You can also clean bathroom curtains with bleach. What you need to do is soak them in a basin of hot water and 2 tbsp. of bleach. Once they are long enough, rinse them and let them dry in the sun. 

Cleaning dirty trash cans 

Mix 4 tbsp. bleach with a few glasses of hot water and pour the solution into an empty trash can. Leave for a few hours to kill all the bacteria and remove stains and odours. Rinse well and wait for it to dry completely before using it again. 

Refreshing cleaning tools 

Cleaning tools also need care not to become a breeding ground for germs and infections. 

You can clean the mop for the floor, rags and soft towels by adding 6 tbsp. oxygen bleach to 5 litres of warm water. Soak the towels in the mixture and leave them overnight. Then rinse them and let them dry before using them again. 

How to save yourself from the chaos in the bathroom? 

No matter how big the bathroom is, there is always chaos around the sink. Initially, there was only soap and a glass of toothbrushes, but after a while, night cream, shaving foam, makeup brushes, perfume and whatnot appeared. The accumulation of many products in the bathroom, in addition to clutter, leads to faster contamination of the room. 

To deal with the chronic mess in the bathroom and not allow it to come back again, we offer you a few ideas to forget about it forever: 

Use a tray 

A large part of the products you store in the bathroom is liquids. We risk spilling something during their daily use if they are not closed properly. In order not to lead to more misunderstandings, we recommend that you place small trays in the bathroom on which to arrange the bottles. So even if something spills, it will not cause significant damage, and your products will be set and always in the same place. 

Systematise in boxes 

All those small items like hairpins and rubber bands, makeup pads and ear sticks, which always seem to be on display and have no fixed place, you can organise in plastic boxes or recycled old glass jars and metal tea and coffee boxes. 

Arrange the drawers 

Usually, in the bathroom drawers, there is chaos of all sorts of gadgets – tweezers, scissors, jars, bottles and whatnot. All these things pile up until you can’t find anything at some point. 

One solution to this problem is to use a drawer organiser if the space allows. Otherwise, arrange the cosmetics according to the frequency of use. The rule is that the most used products should be at eye level, and the seasonal ones, such as bronzers, should be on higher shelves, where they should not interfere. 

Be sure to periodically inspect cabinets for old vials and bottles that are used up or unusable. 

Using the free space on the walls 

If you have a smaller bathroom – space is a problem you must consider daily. Use the free space on the walls. Place a soap dispenser on the sink and a toothbrush holder instead of the current cup. That will use the vertical space in the bathroom, and the storage of toiletries will be more hygienic and stylish. 

And something else: 

Don’t forget to put a plant in the bathroom – it will absorb moisture faster and supply more oxygen to the room. 

Periodically inspect cabinets for old vials and bottles that are used up or unusable. If you do not use a product – throw it away. No matter why you keep it – because of the high price, sentimental value, or you forgot about it – you should not allow things to accumulate in your bathroom, which, in addition to not using, can lead to the development of bacteria. 

Staining your favourite carpets can be discouraging. Yet, you mustn’t get discouraged as there is a solution. Most stains you can remove from carpets and rugs with the help of the assessment process and some products. The sooner you act and remove the dirty area from your carpets, the better results you can expect to get in the end. In this article, you will learn how to effectively deal with the removal of stains and spots from all kinds of carpets. It is possible without the use of expensive and toxic detergents. Read on to learn how.

How to Clean Carpets According to Their Fibres

Pre-cleaning treatment for a very dirty carpet.

Firstly, we recommend you check the instructions you got when you bought your carpets. Such carpet cleaning instructions you must have from the manufacturer. Use them to sanitise your carpets according to their material. It will prevent damaging them.

Ensure you don’t spoil the fibres by cleaning your carpets following the manufacturer’s recommendations. One smart thing you can do is pin the list with the manual on a place you can easily access. You can use a cork board to see and consult every time the misfortune happens.

One way you can react urgently to get rid of spills or stains is by removing the solid matter as much as you can immediately. Then, you can apply clean terry cloths or a dry white paper towel to soak up as much as you can from the liquid. Blot the stained area from the outside.

Do not scrub or rub the stain since this will likely set in and make it harder to remove. Take a clean new towel when you finish blotting the liquid with your hand. Then, spread it on the stained area and weigh it down using something heavy. It will remove as much of the liquid as possible.

Commercial and Self-made Stain Removers

You can find all kinds of commercial stain-removing products. You can buy them in your local supermarket, home enhancement or hardware store. If you decide to buy any, check that you can apply them for the type of stain you have. For example, they may be suitable and adequate for red wine stains, pet and coffee stains. Other options are possible too.

There are everyday commonly used household ingredients that can come in handy. You can use them to remove some stains. Club soda is excellent for blotting red wine stains. It will effectively eliminate the spot from the carpet fibres. Use any plain dishwashing liquid to remove tea and coffee stains from your soft floor covering.

Mix dishwashing liquid detergent with lukewarm water in a small bottle or other containers. Shake it well to dissolve and apply this mixture to the stained area to blot it. Then, rinse with a wet towel. The final stage of the process is drying the area with a clean towel or a hairdryer.

You can eliminate all kinds of food-based stains and such made of coffee and tea quickly and easily. Mix 1 part white vinegar and two parts water in a container to clean these spots. Before applying any DIY cleaning product or bought ones, always test them. Do this on an unnoticeable stain. Check the treated surfaces for colour changes, bleaching or discolouration.

Once you are sure there will be no unpleasant adverse effects on your carpets, you can proceed with the carpet cleaning procedure. Follow the directions of the instructions for bought and self-made products for cleaning. Repeat them when recommended until the stain disappears completely.

Nevertheless, if you feel uncertain about how to deal with smudges and dirt from your carpets for any reason, do not do the work yourself. The most rational thing you should do is call a professional carpet cleaning company. Most of them can do the job properly and safely for you.

Tackle Stubborn Stains

Some blemishes are harder to remove. They may take you more time and effort, usually made of grease, tar, ink and blood. With some of them, dry cleaning products may have a better effect. For example, break cleaners are made to eliminate chemical residue and grease. On the other hand, dry cleaning products are designed to remove other tough stains. Use either of them by applying a small amount to a clean cloth, and make sure you blot the stain well.

If you are struggling with pet odours and spots, go to your local pet supply store. Search for enzyme cleaners. These are highly effective in eliminating pet smudges and odours.

Use Efficient Vacuuming Products and Steam Cleaners

You may consider buying a steam cleaner if you have children or/and pets. It is an excellent device, which will be a handy investment for your family. You can find handheld models of steam cleaners that are very similar to upright vacuum cleaners.

Steam cleaners are beneficial, and you can apply them to remove stains immediately as they form. These are also very effective to use for your routine carpet cleaning. The steam-generating machines ensure deeper sanitising of the floor coverings and upholstery fibres.

Another option is sanitising with a wet or dry shop vacuum cleaner. It is also handy for removing wet smudges. After removing the liquid, you can use the vacuum cleaner to eliminate any moisture left on the carpet. Additionally, you can supply your home and use any of the several cleaning products you will find on the market. They are very suitable for applying and scrubbing into dry dirty spots. Then, you can vacuum afterwards. The level of efficiency of these products depends on how severe the stains are. It also depends on how long they have been set in the carpets.

To Sum Up

There are many and various ways you can cope with removing smudges, odours and stains from your carpets and rugs. You can apply commercial products. Steam and vacuum cleaners, as well as self-made cleaning solutions, will also do the work. If you follow the instructions and know exactly how to act when stains occur, you will not have any problems. It will extend the life of your valuable floor coverings.

Have you decided to change your floor covering type to carpets? Or perhaps you have moved into a new place and inherited the old rugs? Either way, a new housekeeping chore is waiting for you – the kind of task you do not want to underestimate. Fortunately, we’ve got your back with a few easy tips for carpet cleaning beginners!

Do it often

You can clean your windows once per month and still get decent results – not so with the carpets. If you are single, I would say a weekly vacuum cleaning is just about right. However, if you have kids or pets in the household, you should increase the number to at least 5-6 times per month.

Address the stains immediately

Wine or coffee stains are arguably the most irritating issue concerning your carpets. The speed of reaction here is of the essence – if you dry the liquid and then sprinkle the spot with baking soda, no stain will remain. If, however, you procrastinate and let the liquid soak, you will need professional help to remove the stain. 

Book a professional at least once per year

No matter how hard and often you try, regular vacuum cleaning will not keep your carpets in fine shape. You need something more powerful and efficient – a hot water extraction procedure is right up your alley.